'AK11' Arrives!
26th of July 2023
Wednesday 26th of July saw the long anticipated arrival of "AK11". Spectators gazed in awe as the 0-4-0 diesel hydraulic locomotive was raised into the air before being placed onto Hayling rails at Eastoke Corner sheds. In true British summer fashion, the engine arrived in the pouring rain.
The arrival also showcased the lettering on the sides. Featuring a brand new HLR logo on both sides and "Hayling Light Railway" on the 'north' side of the loco. We think she really looks the part and is a statement of how the railway is evolving now under the ownership of it's 100% unpaid volunteer staff.
Testing will now commence and, once our engineers are satisfied, the loco will be hauling passenger services very soon. Keep an eye out on our social media channels for updates!

‘New Beginning” for Hayling Light Railway Trust.
23rd of January 2022
Hampshire’s Hayling Seaside Railway is now under new management, following the retirement of Bob Haddock, the line’s owner and creator.
New operators ‘The Hayling Light Railway Trust’ are a not for profit charity set up by the volunteers of the East Hayling Light Railway Society. Trust members would like to take this opportunity to wish Bob and his wife Marilyn a long, happy and well deserved retirement.
The mile long narrow gauge railway, which has operated along the seafront of Hayling Island since 2003. Runs between the seaside shops, pubs, cafes and amusements of Eastoke Corner, along the coast of Hayling Bay to the funfairs at Beachlands. It was built and is now run entirely by volunteers. Trains are generally pulled by diesel locomotives, usually steam-outline loco ‘Jack’. Although from time to time steam locomotives are hired in to add that special extra magic!
The Trust are keen to hear from anyone with a little time to spare, who would like to join the friendly team of volunteers who keep the trains running. No previous experience is necessary as full training will be given.

Initial 'AK11' Mock-Up
26th of March 2023
Ian & Rob
At the time of writing, 'AK11' is currently away from the railway being professionally rebuilt at the Ross on Wye workshops of its original builders, returning the much rebuilt machine to a specification that reflects our railway’s operational requirements. It is hoped that the rebuilt loco can be back on the island later, this year, in time to take part in our forthcoming anniversary events in September which are currently in the initial stages of preparation.
The attached initial drawings by Alan Keef Ltd show the engine in the same ‘East Hayling Light Railway’ styling, that the company used for its half-brother ‘Jack’. As delivered in 1988 to our original railway at Hayling’s Mill Rythe Holiday Camp. The final livery and a new name will be announced in due course.
The HLR Trust welcomes donations towards what will be an extensive and thorough restoration. But every bit as importantly we need additional enthusiastic volunteers to join our friendly team. To carry out the multitude of tasks needed to operate a railway, from Loco Drivers and Train Guards, to Workshop and Track Engineers, Souvenir Shop Staff and on-train ‘Clippies’ to sell tickets.
You can also support the Trust and the work of its volunteers, by paying a visit to us at our Eastoke Corner terminus to buy a ticket to travel on one of our frequent trains. Or maybe make a purchase at ‘Derek’s Souvenir Shop’. Which is located on the station platform and is open for business on every train operating day. Which are Weekends, Bank Holidays and Market Day Wednesday’s throughout the year, and weekdays during Hampshire school holidays.

'Edwin' Returns Home!
22nd of October 2021
'Edwin' has finally returned after a trip to 'Jim Stokes Workshops Ltd'! The workshops wrote:
"After all the Goodwood excitement we are back on track (pun intended) with the Ruston locomotive which has headed out of the workshop and back to it's home on Hayling seafront. With the newly built engine running beautifully and custom exhaust fitted, 'Edwin' should provide many more years reliable service."
'Edwin' will be back in service shortly to let our volunteers give 'Jack' some much needed TLC ready for Santa Specials coming up later this year! A huge thank you to the Jim Stokes Workshops for getting No.5 back in service for us!
New Locomotive for the Hayling Light Railway
19th of February 2023
Chris & Rob
To kick off our 20th anniversary celebrations, we are incredibly excited to announce that a new locomotive will join our fleet of 'Jack', 'Edwin' & 'Alan B'.
We would like to introduce you to 'AK11'. Built by 'Alan Keef Ltd', works number 11, of 1984. The locomotive was supplied to Thorpe Park along with sister loco 'AK12' to run the theme park's "Treasure Island Railway" (TIR) in the 80s and 90s. After the closure of the 'TIR', AK11 was kept at Thorpe for use as a maintenance and rescue locomotive for the then newer railway "Canada Creek Railway".
With works underway for the theme park's brand new rollercoaster codenamed "Project Exodus", Thorpe Park Resort have generously donated AK11 to the Hayling Light Railway. We are so grateful for this opportunity and hope that this little engine can provide enjoyment for many more generations to come!
Currently, AK11 is back at it's original building works being completely rebuilt and we hope to welcome it to our railway later this year! If you are as excited as we are at welcoming this historic locomotive to our railway, please follow our social media pages for all the latest updates on the restoration progress: https://linktr.ee/haylingrailway

'EDWIN' to the RESCUE!
10th of July 2022
As 'Jack' get's all hot and bothered!
It was a very hot day indeed at the Hayling Light Railway, as 'Jack the Seaside Engine' pulled its heavy train full of merry holiday makers, from Beachlands back to Eastoke Corner. All went well until they got to the foot of the notoriously steep 'Coastguard Bank', when 'Jack's diesel engine gave up and expired in the sweltering heat, and despite the best efforts of Driver Clem steadfastly refused to re-start.
Guard Ian was quickly on the radio to 'Fat Controller' Chris, who was soon in the cab of our yellow 'Thunderbird' locomotive 'Edwin', to come swiftly to their rescue. As 'Edwin' was on it's way, Clem, Ian and Jenny the 'Clippie', went back to apologise to the passengers for the delay. With many choosing to walk the remaining distance to Eastoke Corner, which was only a short walk away.
As it was, 'Edwin' was soon coupled to the front of 'Jack' and it's broken down train. Our rescue engine doing well to get a heavy four carriage train and a failed locomotive, back on the move on a very steep gradient and tight curve.
Arrival back into Eastoke Corner was almost half an hour late, so Controller Chris wisely decided to cancel the next train, to allow time to shunt 'Edwin' to the front of the train, and uncouple 'Jack'. To be rescued later by shunting engine 'Alan B'. This got the train with 'Edwin' now in charge back onto it's scheduled timetable, rather than run late for the remainder of the afternoon. While also giving the volunteer staff a much needed rest and time for a cup of tea!
The Hayling Light Railway Trust apologise for the inconvenience caused to their wonderful customers, who without exception accepted the delay with good humour and understanding. 'Jack' is expected to be back in service soon, after a good rest and attention from our depot team. There's seldom a dull moment working on the Hayling Light Railway, and always lots of fun. Pop down to see us some time, either to enjoy a train ride by the seaside, or better still join us and become a Hayling Railway volunteer!